Das wären aber ziemlich fette Ymgarl 😀
Aber es geht ja noch weiter.
Hier ein paar Leaks aus dem PP-Legion Forum (und das ist fast wie multiple Orgasmen, auf Tabletop-Basis)
Compiled Domination Spoilers
Alright, some guy is leaking Domination stuff tonight, so you lucky lads get some info that I'll feed back here as it comes in.
Battle Engine:
Most notable thing about the BE is that the tentacles have 4" reach during it's activation and are Chain Weapons (for all that matters). All other spoilers seen so far are correct. Frostbite and mini EoS. Does have Battle Wizard and flies. Fairly low SPD for Legion.
New character heavy, Special Issue with Abby. Animus gives Snacking. Has Herding, same points as a Carnivean, Fury 5, two Carnivean claws, a Claw-2 with reach and Pull and a Claw-2 range 6 attack with drag
Warlock attachment, upkeeps a spell for free and can cast an animus. All I really wanted to be honest.
Naga Nightlurker:
Light warbeast, animus gives Magical Weapon and Blessed, has Prowl and Crit Shadowbind on its bite and a magical ranged attack.
3 points, he gives Set Defense and Iron Zeal minifeat (see Temple Flameguard), standard gives Mage Static.
Spells are Admonition, Icy Grip, Obliteration, Occultation, Purification and Refuge (When the affected model hits an enemy model with an attack, at the end of its combat action it can make a full advance without taking free strikes).
The Feat: Vayl can cast EVERY SPELL ON HER SPELL LIST ONCE WITHOUT SPENDING FURY. I needed a towel after reading that.
Attachment für unsere Caster--> saugeil, dringend nötig.
Character Warbeasts --> muss ich komplett sehen, aber vielversprechend
Farilor --> wahrscheinlich n unit Attachment, ich tippe mal auf Schwertkämpfer oder Legionäire
eVayl --> wie zu erwarten : EPIC