Dice Age

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23. Mai 2011
I muß uber dieses projekt hier sprachen, aber ich habe nicht zeit sieben jahren deutsch geschrieben. 😀

I am a french game designer from Lille, and here is an english introduction to a game project I am about to launch. I wanted the german tabletop gaming community to be aware as soon as possible.

YouTube - ‪Dice Age presentation‬‏

Best regards,
Mit freundlichen grußen
Good morning and welcome to the Tabletopforum.

Sadly, I don´t have access to Youtube here 🙁 But I will see to it that I watch your video at home.
Maybe one of the others can give a short summary about his impressions?

Don´t worry! Your German is quite good regarding to the first sentence.


Hallo und willkommen im Tabletopforum.

Leider habe ich hier keinen Zugriff auf Youtube, aber ich werde mir dein Video zuhause ansehen.
Vielleicht kann einer der anderen eine kurze Zusammenfassung seiner Eindrücke geben?

Keine Sorge! In Anbetracht deines ersten Satzes scheint dein Deutsch garnicht so schlecht 😉
If I get it right it is a pure dice-game with differently shaped dices (like normal d6, d4 or unusual barrel-shaped ones) which contain numbers and symbols.
The symbols have different abilities which interact with the game, like choosing which dice the opponent has got to roll in his turn.

The goal of the game is to take as much dices from the opponent as possible. (Thats the only part I cannot figure out from the video)

I think it is a simple ruled game, except for the dices symbols, for which you will have to look in the rulebook a lot at the first games.

If I got something wrong please correct me.

Ich spare mir einfach mal die Übersetzung ins Deutsche😎
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
That's it, except you don't take dice to the other opponent, they go to Inferno, out of play...
But the main things are you can play several ways with the dice, first, and second, the dice have insane shapes, all of them.
You have no normal die. On the example of the D4, from far, a D4 with a 10 is not common, and from close, there is only one symbol per side, which is unique, for D4...
Finally, it's a wargame where units and dice are one.

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